OECD member
Overall Absolute Score
Overall Proportional Score
Pillar Absolute Spillover Score
Pillar Proportional Spillover Score
Pillar Absolute Domestic Score
Pillar Proportional Domestic Score
Dashboards and trajectories
Click on a subpillar to view more information.
No or limited negative impacts on the Global Commons
Low negative impacts on the Global Commons
Medium-low negative impacts on the Global Commons
Medium-high negative impacts on the Global Commons
High negative impacts on the Global Commons
Very high negative impact on the Global Commons
Extreme negative impacts on the Global Commons
Information unavailable
Meet 2050 Threshold
Meet only 2030 Threshold
Insufficient progress
Trajectory information unavailable
Absolute Spillover Parameters
GHG Emissions
Terrestrial Biodiversity Loss
Marine Biodiversity Loss
Nutrient Cycles
Water Cycle
Absolute Domestic Parameters
GHG Emissions
Terrestrial Biodiversity Loss
Marine Biodiversity Loss
Nutrient Cycles
Water Cycle
Proportional Spillover Parameters
GHG Emissions
Terrestrial Biodiversity Loss
Marine Biodiversity Loss
Nutrient Cycles
Water Cycle
Proportional Domestic Parameters
GHG Emissions
Terrestrial Biodiversity Loss
Marine Biodiversity Loss
Nutrient Cycles
Water Cycle

The Global Commons Stewardship Index is a composite of the latest breakthroughs in sustainability indicators, focusing attention on how countries are affecting the Global Commons both within their borders and through impacts embodied in trade and consumption (so-called “international spillovers”).
The Index aims to inform actions to achieve major international agreements, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Change Agreement, and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Global Commons Stewardship Index is a collaboration between the SDSN, the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, and the Center for Global Commons at the University of Tokyo.