Cover of the Global Commons Stewardship Index 2024

Global Commons

Stewardship Index


Transforming global production and consumption for earth's safe operating space

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Global Commons Stewardship Index 2024

This year's edition includes 39 indicators using data from official sources and scientific research. Scores and dashboards are presented in proportional terms that allow comparison across countries with very different sizes, usually in per capita units, and also in absolute terms to identify which coun­tries are having the greatest absolute impacts on the Global Commons.

Executive Summary

View Rankings & Scores

Countries are ranked by their overall proportional score in their Human Development Index category. These scores are calculated using indicators that are standardized to allow cross-country comparison, regardless of country size. To make the data comparable, we rescale each variable between 1 and 100, with 1 being the lowest bound denoting worst impacts and 100 denoting thresholds met or surpassed.

Explore Interactive Maps

Our interactive maps showcase the performance of countries on each domestic impacts and international spillovers, in proportional or absolute terms. Visualize countries' current performance, scores or visualize trajectories to see which countries are on track. Dig into each of the 6 impact categories and 39 indicators covered in the GCSI 2024 contrasting the Domestic and Spillover impacts.

Analyze Country Profiles

In this fourth edition, the 2024 GCSI Index provides data and scores for 155 countries in addition to the European Union (EU27). Our report features a dedicated profile page for each country, showing current performance and trajectories by pillar and by indicator.

Download Report & Materials

The entire report, datasets, and any additional materials are available free of charge and can be downloaded from our website. This includes our full report in PDF format, our Excel database with scores, ratings, trajectories, and raw values, our codebook, our methodology, and much more.

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The Global Commons Stewardship Index is a composite of the latest breakthroughs in sustainability indicators, focusing attention on how countries are af­fecting the Global Commons both within their borders and through impacts embodied in trade and consumption (so-called “international spillovers”).

The Index aims to inform actions to achieve major international agreements, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Change Agreement, and the Con­vention on Biological Diversity.

The Global Commons Stewardship Index is a collaboration between the SDSN, the Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, and the Center for Global Commons at the University of Tokyo.